Join us for the ninth annual Tracking Awareness Week, themed “Be a Data Explorer!” This theme highlights unique data and tools on the MaineTracking Network that power public health action.
Data for Action
The MaineTracking Program hosts and displays data on many health and environmental topics. But Tracking is more than just data! This theme also highlights the network of people and partners that power the MaineTracking Network, and how people use data to bring about positive change and inform public health action to support healthier communities. During Tracking Awareness Week, the CDC Tracking Program, the MaineTracking Program and other partners will come together to highlight important environmental health issues.
Daily Themes
Each day on Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) we will highlight messages about the useful tools and resources, programmatic successes, and utility of the MaineTracking Network. The daily posts will lead you to ‘badges’ hidden throughout the website that highlight unique data or exploration features useful for public health actions. Earn all the badges for the week and become a Master Data Explorer!
Monday - Data Discovery
Discover town level data for asthma, childhood lead poisoning, COPD, heart attack, private well water, radon, and tickborne diseases. #DataDiscovery
Daily webinar topic: Watch a demonstration of U.S. CDC Tracking's Data Explorer.
2:00-3:00 pm ET
Tuesday - Tools of the Trade
MaineTracking Program collaborates with partner programs to create quick data dashboards. Check out our #TrackingOnDemand products such as:
- Governor's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future's Climate Impact Dashboard
- Maine CDC Drinking Water Program's lead in school map
- Maine CDC Climate and Health Unit's heat alert widget
Reach out if you have a data display need! #ToolsOfTheTrade
Daily webinar topic: Hear from several presenters about U.S. CDC Tracking's different tools such as their API and GitHub pages.
2:00-3:00 pm ET
Wednesday - Adventures in Teamwork
MaineTracking Program staff collaborated with Maine CDC's Climate and Health program to create a near real-time heat dashboard with daily updates to temperature and emergency department data. Check out the data. #Teamwork
Daily webinar topic: Learn about different partnerships between U.S. CDC's Tracking and Cancer Control Programs.
2:00-3:00 pm ET
Thursday - Road to Success
Catch up on the latest MaineTracking Program success stories of data in action. Read a success story. #RoadToSuccess
Daily webinar topic: Explore U.S. CDC Tracking's public health accomplishments and impacts.
2:00-3:00 pm ET
Friday - Future Directions
MaineTracking Program are constantly striving to support efforts to modernize public health data. Share an idea with us of something you'd like to see. #FutureDirections
Daily webinar topic: Find out what is on the horizon for U.S. CDC Tracking from new data to unique activities.
2:00-3:00 pm ET
Get Involved!
- Join webinars highlighting different themes around Be a Data Explorer! Daily from 2-3pm ET Zoom Meeting ID: 161 735 6392 Passcode: 618761 https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1617356392?pwd=VWVCNmFjV2FOZENVQVlmNHJPUGczZz09
- Sign up for our Newsletter to keep up with the latest data, tools, and innovations from the MaineTracking Program.
- Join the #BeADataExplorer conversation! Follow Maine CDC's MaineTracking Program on Facebook, Instagram and X to see the latest updates.