Childhood Lead Poisoning Metadata


Blood lead testing data are from the Maine CDC’s Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory and received directly from healthcare providers in Maine.

Dates Available:

2004 - 2023

Geographic Resolution:

State, County, High-risk Area, and Town


In collaboration with the Maine CDC’s Maine Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP), the Maine EPHT Program receives blood lead test data for all Maine children < 6 years of age from the Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory (HETL) and directly from healthcare providers, upon approval from the CLPPP. Approved healthcare provider submission of blood lead test data began in December 2012. This dataset contains counts of blood lead test results for Maine residents less than 6 years of age. The data are stratified by year of test, age group, blood lead test result category, and confirmation status.

The dataset contains the following measures:

  1. Estimated percent of children screened with a blood lead level ≥ 5 ug/dL
  2. Estimated number of children screened with a blood lead level ≥ 5 ug/dL
  3. Number of children screened with a confirmed blood lead level ≥ 5 ug/dL
  4. Number of children screened with an unconfirmed blood lead level ≥ 5 ug/dL


This data set supports efforts to improve public health in Maine and contributes to the U.S. CDC’s National Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) Network. A key activity of participants in this network is to track and make available environmental health measures on state and national data portals. Measures derived from the data set described here can be used to compare childhood lead poisoning rates across the state, between groups of people, over time, and in relation to risk factors, exposures, and health outcomes.

The Maine Tracking Network, a member of the National EPHT Network, connects communities, public health professionals, policy makers, state agencies, and others to the data they need to monitor public health, respond to health concerns, prioritize resources for public health action, and evaluate prevention activities. Maine tracks certain health effects, exposures, and environmental hazards that have known relationships, as well as some health effects and environmental hazards that have suspected relationships. By making health and environmental data available through the Maine Tracking Network, more people have access to data they need to think critically and hypothesize about health outcomes and their relationships to conditions in the environment.

Supplemental Information:

Blood lead levels, even low levels, in children have been associated with adverse health effects ranging from learning impairment and behavioral problems to death.  Children are more vulnerable to lead poisoning than adults.  Since children may have higher blood lead levels (BLLs) and not display any specific symptoms, the CDC recommends blood lead testing for young children at risk for lead poisoning. Lead screening data are used to identify and monitor temporal and spatial changes in screening Maine children and to develop and support public health policy and legislation related to BLL testing and prevention of childhood lead poisoning.  These data are also used to monitor progress toward eliminating BLLs ≥ 5 ug/dL.

The Maine CLPPP receives lead testing results from the Maine HETL and healthcare providers daily. These data are then reviewed and assigned a geocode for spatial analysis. Data have been de-identified to protect confidentiality. Children may have more than one blood lead test drawn in a single calendar year; only one test result per child is included in these data.

Entity and Attribute Overview:

This dataset includes the following fields: test year, geographic resolution, age group, insurance status, number of screening tests, estimated number and percent (with accompanying 95% CI’s) of screening tests ≥ 5 ug/dL, confirmed number of screening tests ≥ 5 ug/dL, unconfirmed number of screening tests ≥ 5 ug/dL.

Data Limitations:

  • Maine law requires that all children be tested for blood lead at 1 and 2 years of age unless their healthcare provider deems that they are not at risk. Since we do not know how many children are truly at risk in the population, we do not know if the data reflect the true burden of lead exposed children in Maine. Estimates of children with blood lead levels ≥ 5 ug/dL reflect the burden of blood lead in Maine children among those tested.
  • On occasion children living close to the state border may have their blood sample analyzed out of state (estimated to be <2.0% of all tests). Therefore, the data presented here may not include all Maine resident children tested.
  • Analysis is based on a child’s residence at the time of the test which may be different from where the child was exposed to lead.

Access Constraints:

Publicly available data are suppressed in accordance with the Maine CDC Privacy Policy to protect confidentiality.

More Information:

Suggested Citation for Data Displays:

Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Maine Tracking Network. Lead Poisoning. Available online:  Accessed on [date accessed].